Facebook group created to assist production companies filming in the Amazon region

 Brasilia, May 2019: A production company in Brazil, Illuminati, has set up a Facebook group designed to help others wishing to cover stories about the Amazon. 

Illuminati in Brazil sets up Facebook page to TV companies covering Amazon stories.
The company told TVZ: "Illuminati is an audiovisual production company that really cares about what it does. The last 10 years of experience has given us a new skill in the field of logistics in the Amazon region.

As everyone knows, this region is difficult to access, dangerous and little known. So we decided to create a closed group on Facebook to exchange ideas and make available our expertise to those who need to travel to the region to work with communication or research, for example."

It invites interested persons to join the group which aims to facilitate access and ensure the safety of everyone in the Amazon.


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