Broadcast services: Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Pakistan - TV Studio facilities - Video production - Live position - Editing - SNG - uplink - Flyaway - satellite transmission broadcast - camera crew - ENG - HD, SD - Broadcast equipment for hire
F/7-1, Street 32, Suite 26-A
Islamabad, Pakistan 44000
Mr. Nawab Kaifee, Mr. Sib Kaifee, and or Mr. Ali Kaifee
Tel: +92-51-2611831
Mobile: +92 345 5131313 (Sib) or +92 314 5122227 (Ali)
Fax: +92 51 2611831
uplinks@easterntvnews.comInfo: Rates: /
Eastern TV News Pakistan is the largest broadcast service provider in the region offering:
- Satellite uplink Facility
- SNG Vans
- IPT and DVB Suitcases
- Camera Crews
- Post Production
- Documentaries
- Satellite connectivity to your choice of satellite
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Being a Pakistani native organization and working with international broadcasters since 1986, ETN served as a bureau for WTN London and APTN in Pakistan till 1996 and went solo after that.
Unmatched services and on time delivery with very good contacts in the Govt Bodies we are able to get most permissions that other organizations fail to do on time.
Details of our Indoor and Outdoor Studios are as below:
Islamabad x 2 Locations
- F-7 overlooking Saudi Pak Friendship Tower
- Dual Path Uplink
- SD / HD Feeds
- Indoor Studio with changeable Back drops
- Outdoor Live Stand up Position
- Guest meet n greet and pick and drop facility
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| Islamabad Studio |
Address : 6th Floor, Zahoor Plaza, Islamabad Pvt Hospital building, Main Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad. 2 Mins drive from both 5 star hotels
- Blue Area Location over looking
- The Presidential palace
- The Supreme court
- The Parliament
- The Prime Minister Secretariat
- Faisal Mosque
- 4 path Uplink
- SD/HD Feeds
- Indoor Studio with changeable backdrops
- Guest meet n greet and pick and drop facility
| Blue Area Location |
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Address : #26-A St32 F-7/1
Lahore x 1 Location
- MM Alam Rd roof top position over looking Lahore City
- Single Path uplink
- SD Feed
- Indoor Studio with changeable backdrops
- Guest meet n greet and pick and drop facility
- quipped with BETACAM SX SDI CAM.
Address : 1st Floor, Ali Tower, McDonalds building, MM ALAM Rd, Lahore.
Karachi x 1 location
Karachi Live position |
- Roof Top live position over looking Karachi's main city centre Clifton
- Single Path Uplink
- SD Feed
- Indoor Studio ready for 3 cam lives
- Guest meet n greet and pick and drop facility
- Equipped with SONY EX3 SDI CAMS.
Address : 2nd Floor, Uzma Arcade, Main Clifton Road, Karachi.
- 4x4 Pajero SNG Vehicle
- 1.5 Mtr Swedish Antenna system
- Paired with Advent Dual path Uplink electronics
- ready 24x7 on a one hour notice to move to any part of Pakistan
DVB Suitcase
- Swedish 0.9 mtr Antenna System
- Paired with Advent DVE 5000 with BISS 1
- Ready 24x7 on a one hour notice to move to any part of Pakistan.
Mostly of the international broadcast service providers have their faith in ETN services and acquire our expertise and technical facilities including SNG rentals to serve other broadcasters. We are not partnered with any company and do not acquire third party services to our broadcasters and fully rely on our staff and equipment.
ETN has over 100 seasoned technical staff and have an exceptionally competitive rates card to serve your requirements.
For further details please feel free to contact: