Sports Events: broadcast facilities

24.04.2015Cuba: NBA to host historic basketball camp In Cuba *** ARCHIVE


NBA TO HOST HISTORIC BASKETBALL CAMP IN CUBA HAVANA, CUBA | 23-26 APRIL 2015 The NBA is the first U.S. professional league to visit sports-crazy Cuba since the declaration of detente between the Cold War enemies late last year. Stars such as former MVP Steve Nash and Hall of Fame inductee Dikembe Mutumbo will open a four-day training camp Thursday to wage athletic diplomacy and boost the profile of Cuba's arguably fourth most-popular sport, after baseball, boxing and soccer. The training camp will be aimed at top-level Cuban players as well as children and teenagers. FEED POINT The broadcast feed point is located at the AP Havana bureau. The stand-up positions have stunning 180 degree views of the old city of Havana and the harbor. AVAILABLE REPORTERS FOR LIVE STAND-UPS AP reporters are available to comment live on camera in English, Spanish or French from our stand-up positions in Havana. FIELD PRODUCER Nico Maounis AP BOOKINGS WASHINGTON +1 202 641 9834 Follow us: @AP_GMS
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